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Heyyahhh!! Here we go. hmm... how do I want to start the story? how everyone's doing? Its been awhile since we're not updating this blog. Here I am to create a new story of ma new life. Sorry, I'm not gonna post about Kpop and K-idols for this time. I wanna share about what am I doing during this holiday. Just wanna share with y'alls. Haha. No offense okayy? :)

Hello  semua.............. :D dah hampir sebulan dah tak update. So, banyak benda nak cerita tapi taktau nak mula dari mana. Okayy, dah agak lama juga aku bebas dari alam persekolahan even baru 3 minggu enn. Kira lama la tu. Haha. By that time, my friend and I was seek for a job and yeahh for sure we get the job and get offered by the manager.

Today, I am so glad that my parents didn't allowed me to work there. Ada hikmah disebalik semua tu. What makes me say like that is because that kedai were celebrating Christmas. I don't really care if they wanna celebrate Xmas but pleaseeeee yaa, DO NOT FORCE them if they DON'T WANT TO. Like seriously, if aku la kerja situ and aku tau diorg buat macam tu dekat aku and nak kena ikut budaya yang tak patut aku ikut, aku rela TAK kerja situ and lagi RELA letak jawatan dari terus belenggu dengan rasa bersalah.

My advice to those people yang nak kerja lepas SPM, tolong cari kerja yang sesuai. If you're Muslims, make sure you know what will you do and who will you work for and what activities that they gonna do. Tolong la ambil berat ye. Diorang ni bukan kira apa pun. Nampak je budak baru nak kerja, diorgpun 'kerja' la kan budak baru ni. Jangan biar orang bodohkan kita dengan kejahilan dia. Just pleaseee, ALERT!!

That's all for today. Sorry if terkasar bahasa. Just to remind no other intentions. Thank You. :)

*leave ur coment if you're satisfied or unsatisfied with this post. I wanna know.


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